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Driving electric gives me a sense of independence

In Pole Position, we interview EV-drivers at the charging station. In this first edition, we speak to Maarten Hachmang; an EV-driving enthusiast ánd critic. He writes and gives workshops about EV-driving, charging and travelling with your EV-car. He also started the website laadpastop10.nl as a hobby, but it turned into a known EV-driving go-to-place. ‘EV-driving gives me a feeling of freedom’.

`At first, I didn’t really care about the sustainability aspect of EV-driving. I was mostly interested in the new technique of EV-driving and how it would work. And of course, my bookkeeper told me it would be a great idea to start EV-driving. It’s so much cheaper, so I bought two Renault ZOE’s for my business. The choice for these cars were mainly budget driven.’


If I would have a say in it, I would like to see all fuel-cars be forbidden

Grime at the Boulevard Périphérique

‘I was driving with my family on the Boulevard Périphérique in Paris and I saw all the pollution on the side of the road. Everything was basically black with grime. That really woke me up. Why do we think air pollution is normal? It isn’t. Honestly, if I could have a say in it, I would like to see all fuel-cars be forbidden. I’m not a left-minded, hippie at all, but I really believe the right measures can be taken to raise the incentive to drive electric.’

 Driving electric gives me a sense of independence

‘Driving electric gives me a sense of independence. I love the idea of being able to sustain myself. It feels great to not pay money to the big oil magnates. My kids are copying my behaviour, they’ve started shouting at gas stations when we drive past: ‘We don’t need you’. I love driving EV.  It’s very nice to drive quietly and it’s just very relaxing. You just put the cruise control on 100 km/h, you don’t have to yell. My kids love it as well! When we drive for a while they start asking when we can charge again, because they enjoy all the stops. That changed my perspective as well. Why are we always trying to get somewhere as soon as possible? It’s also nice to take a break. Especially with kids in the back of your car. I think EV-driving makes you more creative in how you go about life. So, bring your hiking boots along, go for a walk and explore the world.’


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